Family Beyond Bloodlines

I was born as the youngest of my sibling with a large age gap to the next closest. This means growing up similar to being an only child. I am not saying my siblings and I aren’t lovingly close, but until I reached adulthood we weren’t able to relate as much. This meant while growing up my closest relationships (outside of my parents) were friends. Through this collection of meaningful friendships with genuine chemistry and lifelong bonds a family was created of people that didn’t share DNA or blood relations, but were deep enough to be consider relatives just the same. These friends span from grade school to current day adulthood and complete my world because they allowed me the opportunity to experience that deep connections and authentic caring can exist beyond a standard family tree. This group of friends has grown over time to include people of various ages, races, background, and any of various combinations of human which makes them even more special because without even traveling the world I’ve witnessed it through knowing them. I am thankful for the friends I have and look forward to the friends I will make because in this world family is always important, whether it be the one you were born in or the one you assemble through a lifetime of shared love and unforgettable memories.

3 thoughts on “Family Beyond Bloodlines

    1. Exactly. Thank you. I have realized that you create the family in your life outside of the one granted from birth. Either way we need to cherish those closest to us, because they are the people from which our true forms of happiness are provided.

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