Getting to Know Yourself

I think many of us have missteps or setbacks in life because we don’t truly know ourselves. Honestly we don’t take time to realize our own desires and intentions in life. Society has us all caught up on who we’re supposed to be or destined to be that we never look further to see who we are. One of the hardest questions a person can be asked is “who are you?” without simply answering with your name or describing race, gender, education, and other background identification. All of this makes up our exterior, but who we are deep in the cores of our being is what needs to be inquired about most. When everything is stripped away down to the bare minimum and times call for you to be the person that is lurking in the subconscious without caring about the judgment of other…”WHO ARE YOU?” Very few of us, including myself, are unaware of this actual being within; meanwhile we go wondering what we want to be when we grow up, always questions are own likes and dislikes without certainty, thinking about our own morals and values when a situation calls for them to be tested, and never being quite certain what defines us as unique individuals. Everyone of us needs to take time out to discover ourselves and the person under our skin within the mind and soul, because that is the person you need to nurture when all the materialism and superficial stuff is pushed aside. Figure out the person in the mirror before it’s too late and you are no longer able to recognize the person staring back.

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