Police Accountability

With all of the recent police brutality that has taken place I believe it is time for the cops of America to be retrained. They are currently being trained to go directly to lethal force when facing a disgruntled civilian, but that defeats the purpose of being armed with nonlethal weaponry. No force would be preferable, but if the choice had to be made I’m sure everyone would select the lesser of evil and take a taser, baton, mace, rubber bullets, or something that isn’t life threatening as opposed to deadly bullets penetrating our bodies. The human body isn’t meant to take the pain delivered by the force of a bullet, which suggested that they should be the last course of action instead of the go to weapon for officers across the United States, especially when dealing with minorities (specifically Black Americans). It injustice enough that police officers that take human life aren’t faced with consequences for their heinous actions, but for the police academies nationwide to continue pumping out trigger happy cops is disturbing. This leads to the creations of an endless loop and vicious cycle where this because a norm to the point of being both taught and accepted practices. If there is to ever be peace between the civilians of various ethnic group and the police officers that patrol our streets something has to change. The moment the cops are held accountable for the atrocities taken place is when we’ll see the right kind of change affect our country. There can never be peace if there is never any justice.

2 thoughts on “Police Accountability

  1. Maybe you ought to join a police department somewhere and see how the real world operates. It is not always so black and white the way you see it, a cops job is a constant judgement call when lives are on the line. It is easy for people to pass judgement after an event has happened, but hard to make a sound judgement during an event. Remember, hindsight is always 20/20. And ask yourself this, how many police officers are in this country? Out of all those officers, how many are in the news? Not all them need to be retrained as you suggest. Maybe you need to get out more often, instead of looking out the window of life.


    1. From the tone of your comment you are either in law enforcement or close to someone who is. I’ll admit to not having a clue from the police side of the story, but as a young Black man the experience is high. I’ve been harassed and accused just because of my skin color or area I occupy. These crooked cops aren’t an illusion or false portrayal. I’ve never said all of them are nefarious and of course everything isn’t seen by cameras, yet we’re all intelligent enough to realize certain police officers require training beyond the use of lethal force. I can’t speak for you, but I’d prefer a lower death toll for those interacting with cops. I may not be completely black and white, but spilling less red is definitely the main goal for me.


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